These Martha Washington Candies are an excellent addition to your holiday celebrations, are ideal for gift giving, and look impressive on a cookie tray!

I have been feeling a little nostalgic these past few weeks as I think about the upcoming holiday season.  So many of our family traditions have died away the past few years as family has moved away or passed on.  Chris and I were talking yesterday about what traditions we have started with our boys and what new ones we want to start so that when they’re older they can look back and say, “We always did such and such at Christmas”.  I want that for them.

1 cup butter melted

Baca Juga

1 lb powdered sugar

1 tbsp vanilla extract

14 oz package shredded coconutsweetened

14 oz can sweetened condensed milk

10 oz jar maraschino cherries drained and chopped

3 cups finely chopped pecans

16 oz package chocolate Candiquik

  • After chopping cherries, place on a paper towel so the liquid can be absorbed. Blot dry with additional paper towels.
  • Combine all ingredients except for Candiquik in a large bowl.
  • Refrigerate for at least two hours. Tip #1 - the colder the filling is the quicker the chocolate will set up
  • Form into balls about the size of a walnut or whatever size you prefer.
  • For full instructions please see :

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