Paleo make ahead breakfasts, meals, snacks, pretty much everything we can possibly make ahead is our jam! We love making life easier by doing some meal prep and organizing ourselves. Sometimes it feels like so much of life ends up being out of our control, it’s nice to be able to make sure at least the small things go according to plan. This Paleo “PB” banana coconut milk chia pudding is not only super easy to make but also quite delicious!

Seriously though. Does it ever feel like you have all these good intentions for eating well, exercising more, taking the dog on more walks, etc. but then you get to that moment and you’re too tired to follow through? Well, we hear you! Life is busy, crazy and sometimes all over the freaking place. That is why we make sure to meal plan each week and make a breakfast ahead of time. It’s the one thing that keeps our life on track during the busy work week. I actually don’t eat a traditional breakfast like Justin does first thing in the morning, but something like this “PB” banana coconut milk chia pudding makes a late morning or afternoon snack so easy for me. It is much easier to make a healthy, nourishing decision when the work is already done.


  • 1 banana, mashed
  • 1/4 cup nut butter (plus more for topping)
  • 1 cup full fat coconut milk
  • 1/4 cup chia seeds
  • 1 tsp vanilla
  • 1/2 tsp cinnamon
  • Raw honey, to taste for topping
  • Chopped nuts (optional topping)


  • Spread banana evenly amongst two small glass jars and mash with a fork. Layer some nut butter on top, about a spoonful in each jar. 
  • In a separate larger bowl or jar, combine coconut milk, chia seeds, vanilla and cinnamon. Whisk until the chia seeds are thoroughly mixed in. Let sit for a couple of minutes and whisk again. Continue until the chia seeds have no clumps left and have started to expand making the mixture thicker. 
  • Pour mixture into glass jars with mashed banana. Add another spoonful of nut butter to each jar and lightly mix into the chia layer. Cover and place in the fridge overnight.
  • Read more please visit : realsimplegood.com


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